
Managing your own Social Media for your business can be hard work, it can be confusing and it can be very time consuming.

As a Social Media agency we work with a lot of different business owners who have problems they need to overcome whilst wanting to continue with a professional brand tone of voice, and we’ve learnt a few things along the way.

We’ve put together 5 helpful Social Media tips for you the business owner to implement to help with your Social Media strategy. 

  1. Don’t be afraid to try different content types

There is soooooooo much content that you can utilise to grow your brand through your Social Media strategy. Whether it’s writing a blog like this for your website then sharing it to your social media platforms, or you could be dabbling in videos such as long form, stories or reels, there are loads of options.

It doesn’t have to be perfect straight away, you’re learning what works, you’re doing it yourself. You don’t yet have a Social Media agency working on your behalf to help you curate phenomenal content, you will in time but for now experiment with your content and build your confidence.

  1. Focus on views over likes

Business owners get too caught up in likes, it’s normal you want all your content to be loved and adored by your audience because you want to grow.

We get it, it can be frustrating seeing a lack of likes on your content that you’ve spent time creating, but don’t worry, people are viewing it. They are watching what you do, they are skim reading and you need to catch their attention to fully engage and you will over time.

For now though focus on views, rather than likes. When you do your reporting at the end of the month remember there are more to your insights than just likes and by looking at your other metrics you are giving yourself the best opportunity to grow your Social Media strategy to where you want it to be.

  1. Promote Conversation 

Encourage your audience to interact with you, give them a reason to comment on your posts.

Ask them questions, ask about them, ask what they like and understand more about what you can be doing to create content that they want to see.

As an example check out specific days in the month to promote content on, we recently received good engagement by asking our audience what their favourite chocolate was on “World Chocolate Day”, this gave us the opportunity to speak with our audience and find out a little more about them. What questions can you ask your audience in order to get them to converse with you on your Social Media channels.

  1. Be Consistent 

We will continuously bang the drum regarding being consistent because let’s face it, you have to be.

There is no sugar coating the fact that in order to have a successful social media strategy you need to be consistent.

You are fighting for your audience’s attention and to beat your competitors and other brands on social media you need to be giving it your all.

We always tell our clients that we need to promote a consistent approach, it cannot just be post consistently for 2 weeks then the audience hears or sees nothing for 6 weeks, it doesn’t work. It’s like anything in life, practice makes perfect, you only get better by consistently doing something repetitively.

Ask yourself how consistent are you on socials? If you’re struggling to be consistent then you need to speak to a Social Media agency to help you overcome this. 

  1. Pay Attention to what works 

As part of your Social Media strategy you need to be present, you need to understand what works for you and what works for other brands too.

Spend your time consuming content, the advances in technology means that we can easily consume content more than ever. Even if it is just being sat down after a long day, scroll through your phone and look at content to see what others are doing.

We aren’t saying copy their content exactly but we are saying that you can take ideas from them.

Another way to pay attention to what works is to look at your own performance, we spoke in point 2 about your insights, harness these to look at what content you are putting out that your audience eats and then as part of your Social Media strategy why not look at how you can create similar content to those performing well for the following month.


We hope these help with your Social Media strategy, we know that it is alot to take in but by implementing these tips into your strategy it’ll help to improve your performance.

If you are struggling with any aspects of this or are looking to outsource your Social Media then we’d love to have a conversation with you about how we can help you grow your brand on Social Media.

As a leading Social Media agency we pride ourselves on the content we create for our clients and our successes in helping them generate more leads and revenue. 

Let’s talk Social Media Management.

📞 0161 464 3336

📧 info@phenomenal-group.co.uk