
Content is king (Or queen), you’ve heard us say this before.

As a leading Social Media agency we love creating content for our clients, whether it’s just infographics, videos, blog content, announcements, it all helps to grow a brand.

However a lot of the time we see content being rammed down the throats of the audience that is purely sell, sell, sell.

We know this turns the audience off by constantly being made to feel like a brand just wants their money rather than being seen as experts who they can trust.

That’s why we’ve put together 3 things to remember about your content that you can incorporate into your Social Media strategy to help bring a balance for your audience.

1. Shareable 

By creating shareable content it helps you to grow your brand, it gives you the opportunity to get your name out there and reach new people by your audience sharing content that is tailored to them.

Shareable content can be anything from giveaways, reviews, announcements, good news stories, even blogs like this one (because we know you want to share it to your audience)

2. Educational 

This type of content helps you to build trust with your audience.

As we’ve outlined above not every post is about selling, it’s about letting your followers know that you are an expert in what you do.

You want to be providing content that shows the value of people following you so that they can look to one day in the future potentially buy from you.

This is why we created our video series “Two Minutes of Being Phenomenal” because we know that even just a short video provides business owners with valuable information that they can use towards their own social media strategy if they aren’t currently using the service of a Social Media agency.

3. Promotional 

Now we’ve spoken about how content doesn’t always have to be sell, sell, sell but that doesn’t mean you can’t promote your goods and services.

You should always have targets when it comes to how many leads/sales you get from your Social Media channels but obviously the audience doesn’t want it to be the main thing you are known for.

You’ll plan your content each month as part of your Social Media strategy so look at how many promotional or salesy posts you’ve posted over the last 3 months and then see if you feel it is too many or just right. Weigh up whether you need to implement more of the two options listed above but maintain the same number of promotional posts or not. 


We hope these help you with your Social Media strategy when it comes to planning your content.

If you are unsure of any of the types of content we’ve spoke about and how they can be added to your scheduled content then let’s have a conversation about your Social Media strategy and how we can help you grow your brand.

📞 0161 464 3336 

📧 info@phenomenal-group.co.uk